Wednesday 18 September 2013

"The Pre-amble"

To those that have ventured here, welcome.

The purpose of this blog going forward is to contain all the musings of my mind as I embark on a 22 week cut. I'll be rambling about my training, my diet, general bodybuilding topicss and using the log as a means to track and chart my own progress. I also hope it will be a useful tool to reflect on after the whole ordeal is over so I can see where I can do things differently next time.

Lets get through some basics. Why am I cutting? Because I want to see if I can get into single digit body fat percentage numbers. Actually, I want to take it one step further than that. I want to try and get to stage conditioning. Think of those guys wearing budgie smugglers and shit loads of fake tan hiting poses.... yeah thats what I am aiming for - to be so lean it looks like you have no skin..... But why I hear you ask? Well lets briefly rewind to July last year...

Whilst most people were enjoying the build up to the Olympics I was laid in a hospital bed in Milton Keynes. 3 blood clots in my right leg after a dislocation of the knee that cause 2 ruptures of my quad and internal bleeding into the knee had turned the whole of my leg into one giant blood clot. I drifted in and out of consciousness, and for the first 3 days I was maybe fully lucid for a total of 6-8 hours and in those 6-8 hours I was in so much pain. Not many people will know how it feels to feel like part of your body is literally burning from the inside out, like your organs or deep veins are exploding with pressure. It wasn't a good time at all. During this time I wondered if I would lose my leg or worse, and thought about all the things I hadn't accomplished in life, but had always said "maybe one day". Due to medical conditions arising from the whole debacle some of those dreams, such as completing a triathlon, will never now be accomplished... but there are others I can do, will do and now am trying to do.

Most people just don't get bodybuilding at all, and that's fine. I'm not hear to justify myself to anybody else. Lifting weights and trying to improve my physique year on year is what I do. Ever since I lost 10 stone in a year training and solid nutrition has been engrained into my lifestyle. That will never change. 

Not many people can drag their ass out of bed at 5am in the middle of winter when its dark, hammering it down with rain and the temperature is sitting at sub freezing temperatures, but this is what i do. Come rain or shine, hot or cold I haul ass. For that 1-2 hours I am in the gym its just about me and the weights and continuous improvement and progression. 

Anyway that will do for a first post - it gives you an idea of what I am aspiring to achieve here, and why I am going to try and do it. Next time I'll elaborate on training routines and diet. 


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