Sunday 6 October 2013

Chest and Prep Day

Brief update - chest and biceps day this morning, but without the aid of my training partner who was up at Silverstone watching the bikes. No excuse for me to slack off though and I had a really good session hitting a new PB on decline smith presses getting 4 reps at 160kg (thats 4 plates each side - and I am pointing that out because yes I am pretty chuffed with myself!)

Workout was:

Decline Smith Press

Incline DB Press
Hammer Strength Seated Press

Cable Flyes
Cable X-Overs
Alternating DB curls
Cable Hammer Curls
BB Curls (8 drop sets)

Weigh in this morning shows only a 2lb weight gain for my refeed yesterday. With this in mind I suspect that I will baseline before Wednesday and that I will need to have a 6 hour refeed next weekend. If thats the case it also means that this week is going to be hard!!! Just to clarify yesterdays refeed as people seem to find the concept of skiploading/refeeding extremely interesting, if not mind-boggling.

  1. Bowl of Kellogs Frosties, 1 cinnamon and raisin bagel - half smothered with jam, half with honey. 1 banana. Protein shake.
  2. 2 boxes of Jaffa Cakes, a bag of Jelly Babies, 5 weight watchers cake slices
  3. Large pizza express pizza, 10 mozzarella sticks, 2/3 tub of Ben and Jerries Chocolate Brownie Frozen Yoghurt 

This afternoon was spent prepping and cooking all my food for the week. Always an important part of the week because I truely stand by the saying "if you fail to prepare then prepare to fail". Also cooked up a big batch of what is essentially a cottage pie mixture but with loads of additional veg thrown in. 

Diet today was/is:

  1. 75g oats mixed with 150g fat free greek yoghurt and 1 scoop whey. Squeeze of honey and blueberries. 1 whey protein shake.
  2. Pre Workout - 4 scoops MP Pulse & 10g BCAA
  3. PWO - 25g whey, 30g vitargo, 8g creapure, 4g BCAA
  4. 200g chicken breast, 100g wholegrain rice and veg
  5. 6 egg omlette and spoon of cashew butter
  6. 50g whey mixed with 20g almond butter
  7. cottage pie mix
  8. 200ml egg whites with 1 scoop of whey, 4g BCAA. 20g peanut butter
Back and abs in the morning.

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